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Community Boards | News | Server Activities
Server Activities
Thread #11
Adm Sparky
player outfit

Vocation: Knight
Level: 8

Posts: 51
Server Activities

ear players,

We are excited to announce that our server will gradually begin resuming activities. Over the next few days, we will be rolling out updates and reactivating various features to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all. Your patience and support during this time have been invaluable, and we are committed to bringing the server back to full operation as soon as possible.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being part of our community!

Best regards,
GoldenOT Team

14.08.24 14:04:13
Edited by moderator
on 26.12.24 23:29:58
Post #11
player outfit

Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 384

Posts: 54
Are there any new additions coming soon?

can you add items that are obviously not obtainable on the server to shop? I'm talking about items from warzones, big team quests.
12.10.24 14:01:19
Post #62

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