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Community Boards | Bug Report
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Thread Thread Starter Replies Views Last Update
The Djinn war
Trying to do blue djinns is not working correctly ...
Axel013 25.12.24 13:08:10
by Axel
Access to Gnomegate & Bounac
Big foot burden is already long enough, we still h...
Durakz016 22.12.24 14:35:52
by Durakz
I try to say hi while I'm drunk and he does not re...
Durakz132 12.12.24 16:51:18
by Adm Sparky
How to open Mac Client?
Hi there! How do I open this ot with my Mac Cli...
Macuser7993 02.12.24 10:03:20
by Adm Sparky
Koshei's ancient amulet
i try to click the tiles that should give the piec...
Durakz1680 30.11.24 15:24:54
by Adm Sparky
in service of yala
Wyrdin wont let you start the yalahar quest...
Shau149 21.11.24 14:03:32
by Adm Sparky
Stricken Soul
the npc doesnt initiate the correct dialog in orde...
Durakz192 19.11.24 16:13:58
by Adm Sparky
Knightwatch Tower doors
trying to gain access into the tower to turn in th...
Durakz61651 19.11.24 15:21:42
by Adm Sparky
Lost 6 skill in distance
Can you investigate this loss? I had base 104 (108...
Durakz143806 18.11.24 16:24:25
by Adm Sparky
the new frontier mission 5 & Thieves guild
stuck at mission 6 of thieves guild. i can not use...
Durakz193977 14.11.24 15:22:28
by Adm Sparky
Blessing npcs
since you made it so we have to walk to npcs to ge...
Durakz21348 11.11.24 12:40:39
by Adm Sparky
Wyrdin @ the new frontier mission 5
I have bought over 50 almanac of magic to get this...
Durakz4934 05.11.24 13:05:55
by Durakz
Character is trapped
In Corruption hole (ZAO), specifically Ghastly Dra...
Durakz183 17.10.24 06:16:20
by Adm Sparky
Possibility of adding items to shop?
Would you consider adding items into the in-game s...
Durakz0546 12.10.24 20:30:05
by Durakz
Thieves guild mission 6
Trying to use 16:41 You see a Theodore Loveless'...
Durakz0452 12.10.24 16:42:54
by Durakz
Few bugs and suggestions
Here are a few bugs that i have noticed throughout...
Durakz43169 12.10.24 10:43:06
by Durakz
POI Quest log
I pulled levers in POI, touched three thrones; ...
Durakz167 10.10.24 09:32:30
by Adm Sparky
Traveling trader quest
turned in two deer trophies on both Durakz and Fea...
Durakz088 07.10.24 00:08:32
by Durakz
Stash in trainers
While in trainers, it doesnt let me remove items f...
Durakz0104 03.10.24 10:50:17
by Durakz
Bugged Char
Guys, I bought a house yesterday and sold the hous...
Jumbo On Night186 03.10.24 07:55:55
by Adm Sparky
Page: 1 2

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