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Community Boards | Bug Report | To Outfox a Fox quest
To Outfox a Fox quest
Thread #138
player outfit

Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 384

Posts: 54
To Outfox a Fox quest
quest doesnt show up on Questlog, all he asks is to find the horned fox. when i try to pass through the tp to his spot, it doesnt let me.

13:32 Budrik: Funny that you are asking me for a mission! There is indeed something you can do for me. Ever heard about The Horned Fox? Anyway, yesterday his gang has stolen my mining helmet during a raid. ...
13:32 Budrik: It belonged to my father and before that to my grandfather. That helmet is at least 600 years old! I need it back. Are you willing to help me?
13:32 Durakz [383]: yes
13:32 Budrik: I knew you have the guts for that task! We presume the hideout of The Horned Fox somewhere in the south-west near the coast. Good luck!
05.01.25 13:40:31
Post #138

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