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Community Boards | Bug Report
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Thread Thread Starter Replies Views Last Update
Bugged Char
Guys, I bought a house yesterday and sold the hous...
Jumbo On Night189 03.10.24 07:55:55
by Adm Sparky
Char bugged
Same thing that happened to Durako, happened to th...
Durakz6958 28.09.24 10:21:35
by Adm Sparky
The Djinn war - Efreet Faction
Trying to do this quest, stuck at mission 2. i tri...
Durakz3131 27.09.24 11:39:18
by Adm Sparky
'Great spirit mana keg'
'Bought of store, doesnt work when refilling pots....
Durakz31646 26.09.24 18:10:20
by Adm Sparky
'Cant travel to yalahar'
Boat Npcs do not react when i type yalahar, when i...
Durakz0569 25.09.24 18:15:05
by Durakz
Stuck on okolnir
I cant leave okolnir so im stuck there need some h...
Vioselos4356 07.09.24 07:12:13
by Adm Sparky
The loads of exercises that are sold in the store ...
Jumbo On Night11021 05.03.24 17:52:17
by Adm Sparky
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