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Community Boards | Bug Report | Char bugged
Char bugged
Thread #42
player outfit

Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 384

Posts: 54
Char bugged
Same thing that happened to Durako, happened to this char. I lost all my eq and skills. Quests are gone as well.
26.09.24 21:38:53
Edited by Durakz
on 26.09.24 22:15:06
Post #42
Adm Sparky
player outfit

Vocation: Knight
Level: 8

Posts: 51
I returned your character, do you have any idea why this is happening to you? What did you do in the last few hours before this happened? Did you pick up any strange items?
27.09.24 09:31:22
Edited by Adm Sparky
on 27.09.24 10:01:26
Post #43
Adm Sparky
player outfit

Vocation: Knight
Level: 8

Posts: 51
I believe I found the bug and it won't happen again, we are already in production and testing.
27.09.24 10:01:55
Post #44
player outfit

Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 384

Posts: 54
Awesome. Im traveling today so ill try to log in and double check asap.

Also money is scarce cause of the whole doing npc missions. What do you think of making the npcs accessible without doing the quests? I wouldn’t mind walking to Rashid or blue/green djinns to sell loot.

But Rashid takes one full week and I try to start him yesterday and he didn’t work
27.09.24 11:42:24
Post #46
Adm Sparky
player outfit

Vocation: Knight
Level: 8

Posts: 51
Unfortunately, I want to use all the resources or as much as we can make available to all of you, I want to act differently from all the other otservs.

In addition, I will add 750 coins to your account as compensation for all the problems you have had so far here.

The problem has already been found and resolved and will not happen again, we reiterate our apologies for this.
27.09.24 12:50:15
Post #47
player outfit

Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 384

Posts: 54
Thank you.

I logged in today and as far as eq, im still missing the royal helmet i had,
I alsochecked my dp and i dont have any of the loot I’ve accumulated. Im also missing the greenhorn and scrapper arena axes.
28.09.24 10:17:05
Post #48
Adm Sparky
player outfit

Vocation: Knight
Level: 8

Posts: 51
Yes, we were unable to recover a lot of things, so you earned some Coins to compensate for your loss.
28.09.24 10:21:35
Post #49

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