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Community Boards | Bug Report | Stricken Soul
Stricken Soul
Thread #118
player outfit

Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 383

Posts: 52
Stricken Soul
the npc doesnt initiate the correct dialog in order to gain access to 3 haunted houses.

this is what he should say

Player: hi
Stricken Soul: This place is... haunted... heed my warning... there are... ghooooooosts here...! Why are you giving me that... look? I am certain, there aaaaaaare ghosts here - I've seen them! Do you believe me?
Player: yes

this is what he says:

15:51 Durakz [338]: hi
15:51 Stricken Soul: Greetings, Durakz.
19.11.24 15:52:01
Post #118
Adm Sparky
player outfit

Vocation: Knight
Level: 8

Posts: 50
Originally posted by Durakz on 19.11.24 17:52:01:
the npc doesnt initiate the correct dialog in order to gain access to 3 haunted houses.

this is what he should say

Player: hi
Stricken Soul: This place is... haunted... heed my warning... there are... ghooooooosts here...! Why are you giving me that... look? I am certain, there aaaaaaare ghosts here - I've seen them! Do you believe me?
Player: yes

this is what he says:

15:51 Durakz [338]: hi
15:51 Stricken Soul: Greetings, Durakz.

We will have some updates for version 12 reviewed soon, I will inform you on the website.
19.11.24 16:13:58
Post #119

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