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Community Boards | Bug Report | Few bugs and suggestions
Few bugs and suggestions
Thread #55
player outfit

Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 383

Posts: 52
Few bugs and suggestions
Here are a few bugs that i have noticed throughout the days.

1. (12:54 You see a paladin familiar. (Master: Durakz). It will disappear in 1 day 15 hours 12 minutes and 56 seconds)

It seems that when something occurs with the server or a char reset it affects the summon, as in.. it extends their summon time. Which i dont mind. It seems like a death to either character or summon will fix it. (it happened to me when i died to Zulazza the Corruptor.

That being said, how would you feel about the cooldown being reduced from 30 mins to 15min? the summon stays up for only 15min and the other 15 are just regular cooldown.I feel like it would help a lot having it lowered to 15 mins instead of the 30min will be of great benefit for the players.

2. Houses
When you "!leavehouse" it doesnt automatically kick you out and put the house back on the market. you're still able to walk in/out of the house and you cant buy another house until the big SS that kicks everyone out.

3. "Big quest" suggestions
How would you feel about making the essential quests easy accessible to 1 person instead of a whole team being needed

Im talking about DH(need to have two people stand on tiles west of door) , POI (Levers being fully open, maybe just a tp straight to the throne room?) Mortal Kombat (to be able to trade with Esrik) hand in 9 tomes of knowledge.. Why not make the trading with Esrik accessible? It would encourage people to just walk to the npcs. Fast track Rashid, make it so that we dont have to wait a full week for the ability to trade with him. ANIHI as well

4. Make the game starter friendly.
I have gotten a couple of messages from newcomers about helping them with cash. When you first begin the server, money is extremely hard to get. Hell, i got promotion at lvl 120. I would say maybe give rewards for maybe hitting certain levels to help people stay motivated.
07.10.24 09:23:00
Edited by Durakz
on 07.10.24 13:06:20
Post #55
player outfit

Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 383

Posts: 52
Map bugs
There are a few "Black" spots around Edron magic tower. theres missing water around the structures.

In Edron Demon spawn next to DH quest there are like 4 black spots (missing lava)
07.10.24 10:55:21
Post #56
player outfit

Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 383

Posts: 52
Price of TC
The pricing of tc / in shop items could use a bit a adjusting.

I feel the amount of points given should be more.
With these prices:
4.00 USD (for 75 points)
8.00 USD (for 150 points)
20.00 USD (for 375 points)
40.00 USD (for 750 points)
80.00 USD (for 1500 points)
165.00 USD (for 3000 points)
245.00 USD (for 4500 points)
325.00 USD (for 6000 points)

I was looking into the Gold token/silver tokens and for 1 paladin armor i would need 1000 TC
and for bow of destruction i would need 750tc
Thats about 100$, way too much for two items.

Also each Silver token is worth 10tc and Gold token are 15.
Yana has the ability to grant powerful imbue items for 6 gold tokens which would be 90tc which translates to 4$ a imbue.

Edit: You are only able to buy one token on shop. Is that intentional or would you make it so we can buy unlimited amount?

Please take a look into it and let me know your thoughts
07.10.24 11:46:59
Edited by Durakz
on 12.10.24 11:28:35
Post #57
Fear Bro
player outfit

Vocation: Elite Knight
Level: 165

Posts: 2
Originally posted by Durakz on 07.10.24 12:46:59:
The pricing of tc / in shop items could use a bit a adjusting.

I feel the amount of points given should be more.
With these prices:
4.00 USD (for 75 points)
8.00 USD (for 150 points)
20.00 USD (for 375 points)
40.00 USD (for 750 points)
80.00 USD (for 1500 points)
165.00 USD (for 3000 points)
245.00 USD (for 4500 points)
325.00 USD (for 6000 points)

I was looking into the Gold token/silver tokens and for 1 paladin armor i would need 1000 TC
and for bow of destruction i would need 750tc
Thats about 100$, way too much for two items.

Also each Silver token is worth 10tc and Gold token are 15.
Yana has the ability to grant powerful imbue items for 6 gold tokens which would be 90tc which translates to 4$ a imbue.

Please take a look into it and let me know your thoughts

Edit: I bought 150tc to test out the major crystalline token, seems like im only able to buy one.
07.10.24 22:56:32
Post #58
player outfit

Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 383

Posts: 52
House inconvenience
This occurs every ss. items are shifted to underneath the pedestal.
12.10.24 10:43:06
Edited by Durakz
on 12.10.24 10:43:26
Post #61

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