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Community Boards | Bug Report | Wyrdin @ the new frontier mission 5
Wyrdin @ the new frontier mission 5
Thread #66
player outfit

Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 383

Posts: 52
Wyrdin @ the new frontier mission 5
I have bought over 50 almanac of magic to get this npc to cooperate, following the tibia.wikia guide

Support of the Edron academy
Talk to Wyrdin in the Ivory Towers here. If you fail to convince him first time you need to buy and give him an Almanach of Magic to continue.

First time use the words "plea", "bluff" or "flatter". If wrong use the word "impress", or any of the others.

I HAVE SAID ALL THE WORDS 50+ times and he has 100% of the time replied with
"21:36 Wyrdin: Wrong Word."

Can you look into it, see if there is an issue?
14.10.24 21:40:25
Post #66
Adm Sparky
player outfit

Vocation: Knight
Level: 8

Posts: 50
Dude, be patient, I'll analyze all the reports if it's not serious later on, as I'm reviewing all quests version 11.
16.10.24 06:13:26
Post #67
player outfit

Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 383

Posts: 52
Its been 10 days and you still haven't fixed this.

also I don't know it it was intentional but you removed some commands from in-game.

!bless being the most important one.

Falcon paladin and knights can walk on the water next to the boat.
27.10.24 19:06:28
Post #70
Adm Sparky
player outfit

Vocation: Knight
Level: 8

Posts: 50

I checked and you really need to get the words right since there is no bug in the code.

About the commands, yes, now everything is centralized in the npcs or store.

And about the falcons, I will check.
28.10.24 07:22:25
Post #71
player outfit

Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 383

Posts: 52
I've bought 12 almanac of magics
he still replies the same. im using tibia.wikia guide. there's something wrong with his script
05.11.24 13:05:55
Post #73

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