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Community Boards | Bug Report | Character is trapped
Character is trapped
Thread #68
player outfit

Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 383

Posts: 52
Character is trapped
In Corruption hole (ZAO), specifically Ghastly Dragons spawn. there are a set of stairs in the spawn that take you to COTR mission 4 spot (where all four players stand in a spot). There is a mystic flame that i am not able to take out because I'm no where near that quest.
17.10.24 00:44:21
Edited by Durakz
on 17.10.24 00:44:38
Post #68
Adm Sparky
player outfit

Vocation: Knight
Level: 8

Posts: 50

I have already transferred you to the temple and will then check on the position you reported.
17.10.24 06:16:20
Post #69

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